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Tuning into your menstrual cycle offers valuable insights into your body’s unique communication methods. Whether you’re planning for conception, exploring natural contraception, or simply curious about your health, understanding these signs can enhance your body literacy.

Key Cycle Indicators:

🌙 Cervical Mucus provides insight into hormonal health. You may experience dry days and two distinct mucus types: peak (egg white/stretchy) and non-peak (creamy/pasty). All cervical mucus is considered fertile. It creates a favourable environment for sperm, filters out poor quality sperm, and facilitates sperm transport throughout the reproductive tract.

🌙 Basal Body Temperature (BBT) confirms ovulation and requires patience to collect data. To track BBT, measure your temperature consistently each morning throughout your cycle. Ovulation is indicated by a sustained thermal shift, identified by three consecutive temperatures higher than the previous six readings. It’s important to note that sleep quality, alcohol consumption, and illness can affect this marker.

🌙 Cervical position: Your cervix changes shape, position and feel throughout your cycle in response to rising oestrogen pre ovulation and rising progesterone post ovulation. Around ovulation, the cervix becomes soft, high in the vagina, and open, often coinciding with peak cervical mucus production. For the remainder of the cycle, it sits lower, feels firm to the touch, and remains closed.

Observing these signs offers a window into your unique menstrual cycle, providing valuable insights about your body’s rhythms. It’s crucial to remember that each person’s cycle is as individual as they are, rarely conforming to textbook definitions. Don’t hesitate to seek guidance as you learn to interpret the subtle language your body speaks – support is available to help you unlock the secrets of your cycle and enhance your body literacy.